Summer Special Pricing


Consult/Initial Treatment

(1 HOUR)

$85 $68


$70 $58


$85 $68


$100 $78

Book your FIRST hour for $85 $68!

Please do the following before coming in:

  • Schedule an Appointment . If this is your visit We WILL start with a consult/initial treatment which ​includes a 15-30 minute consult and an initial 30-45 minute treatment.

  • STOP tweezing, waxing, and/or threading.You may CUT DOWN THE LENGTH OF THE HAIR BUT LEAVE ​ENOUGH TO GRAB WITH TWEEZERS.

  • Drink plenty of water PRIOR TO APPOINTMENT and moisturize the area daily for optimum results!

Located at : 1327 Empire Central Drive

Dallas, Tx 75247

972-850-6133. (text is preferred)

By appointment Only

Specializing in:






+ What is electrolysis?

Electrolysis is the only method approved by the FDA for permanent removal of unwanted hair. Regardless of the cause – heredity, metabolic, or hormonal conditions – ​electrolysis will permanently remove unwanted hair to reveal a glowing, confident you. A small electric current is transmitted by a fine, sterile probe (or needle) directly ​into the natural opening of the hair follicle, destroying the dermal papilla, the matrix, and an area called “the bulge”, all of which cause hair to grow and regenerate.

Medical electrolysis devices can destroy the hair growth cells with chemical energy, heat energy, or both. The method chosen by the electrologist is the modality. All ​are effective. There are three modalities in current use: 1. Galvanic electrolysis is a chemical process. The current produces a chemical reaction in the hair follicle ​eliminating the hair growth cells. 2. Thermolysis (also called short-wave) produces heat. This modality heats and destroys the hair growth cells in the follicle. A higher ​intensity current can be applied for less time in the follicle, or current can be used at lower intensity with longer timing. 3. The Blend method combines galvanic current ​with thermolysis current. Thermolysis heats up the chemical reaction in the follicle destroying hair growth cells.

+ Why should I choose electrolysis over other hair removal methods?

Electrolysis is the only method approved by the FDA for permanent removal of unwanted hair. As the hair is treated, regrowth is prevented rather than just removed ​temporarily. Only electrolysis provides both hair removal and hair elimination. Also, Electrolysis is effective for all skin types, hair types, skin colors, hair colors, and ​areas of the body.

+ What’s the difference between electrolysis and laser treatments?

Laser therapy and electrolysis both produce longer-lasting effects compared to shaving, waxing, or depilatories. But electrolysis seems to work the best. The results are ​more permanent. Electrolysis also carries fewer risks and side effects, and you don’t need the maintenance treatments required for laser hair removal. Most ​importantly, only electrolysis is approved by the FDA for the permanent removal of hair.

+ How many treatments are required?

Depending on the area you want cleared, it could be a few minutes for a follow-up appointment to an hour for a larger area. Most people who follow the recommended ​treatment plan can expect to be completed or nearly completed within 12- 18 months. Factors such as hair growth cycles, the quantity and structure of hair presented, ​previous use of temporary hair removal methods, heredity, hormone function, certain medications and stress influence the treatment program for each individual.

+ Does electrolysis have any side effects on the skin?

Immediately following treatment, there may be a temporary redness or tenderness, which varies with each individual. The latest technology has made electrolysis more ​comfortable and effective than ever before. Your electrologist will provide you with post treatment instructions and any personal attention you may need. At Precision ​Hair Removal and Skin Care, you are assured of the best care from a skilled electrologist (hair removal professional).

+ Can unwanted hair be removed from anywhere on the body?

Electrolysis can be applied to most facial and body parts, including eyebrows, chin, upper and lower lip, jaw line and sides of the face, breast, underarms, abdomen, ​bikini line, feet, legs, and back. Based on a personal and confidential consultation, your electrologist will design a treatment plan that addresses your specific hair ​removal needs.

+ How does electrolysis work?

The simple answer is that the electrologist slides a special probe along the hair’s route and in to the follicle. Electric current is applied that creates heat and chemical ​reactions to destroy the follicles capacity to produce another hair.

+ Does it always work?

Yes but not always on the first try. To best understand this it helps to understand how hair grows. Hair grows in three stages and then falls out and starts over. The hair’s ​follicle is only present and susceptible to treatment during the first and perhaps the second stage of growth. If a hair is treated during the last phase of growth the effort ​is wasted because there just isn’t a follicle there to treat. Unfortunately there is no way to know what phase of growth the individual hairs are in. This is why it’s ​important to return for treatments frequently. If a hair is treated unsuccessfully once and then is given too much time to grow again it will once again pass in to its final ​(telogen) stage where treatment is ineffective.

+ If I were willing to schedule a very long treatment session would it be possible to remove my upper ​lip hair all in one day?

No. Most hair problems consist of hair that is so densely spaced that treating every hair in one day would cause skin damage. We want you to look better, not worse!

Understanding the Importance of the Transgender Facial

For our transgender clients, we highly recommend a facial prior to your electrolysis treatment, as it will boost the hydration level of the skin. This is important because ​the electricity requires water to work, so well-hydrated skin makes the electrolysis treatment more successful. It also helps the skin to recover more quickly.

Physical transformation often begins with hormonal therapy. As a result, most transsexuals notice significant changes in the quality of their skin. For transsexual women ​these changes include softening, thinning, less oil production, itchiness, and sometimes the appearance of pigmentation (which may become permanent).

If you are doing laser or electrolysis hair removal treatment, you are affecting the oil glands. Lack of oil on the skin leads to the loss of its protective barrier, and the loss ​of water. This may cause skin sensitivity.

For Transmen, testosterone creates an oilier canvas, which can lead to acne. If you have noticed acne flares. that is an indication of an increase in oil production as a ​result of testosterone intake. Controlling the oil production and inhibiting the growth of P. acnes bacteria will be the main concern of skin care.

Most changes in skin quality occur over a 1-3 year period, but it is vital to follow the right skin regimen in order to improve the skin health during your transition.

Electrolysis Tips and Advice

  1. For a more comfortable treatment avoid caffeine for a few hours before your appointment.
  2. Gently exfoliating your skin before your treatment opens up the follicles and lets the unwanted hair slide out more easily.
  3. If your electrologist can’t see the hairs, they can’t zap the hairs. Plucking, waxing, threading, or tweezing before your hair removal appointment reduces the ​number of hairs your electrologist can remove.
  4. Rest assured that electrology is the only hair removal method recognized as permanent by the FDA.
  5. Ask your electrologist for aftercare advice. We can recommend the product that is right for your skin and treatment program
  6. Talk to your electrologist about any questions or concerns. We want your experience to be as comfortable and effective as possible.
  7. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Drinking plenty of water helps unwanted hair slide out more easily.
  8. Clean skin releases unwanted hair more easily. Remove your makeup before your appointment, so the hair follicles are clean and accessible.
  9. It’s okay to shave between treatments, but never, ever tweeze!
  10. The hair you see is not all the hair you have. Hair grows in cycles. That’s why it takes more than one appointment to permanently clear an area.


Blood Thinning Medication

Cochlear implants



Keloid Scarring


Pregnancy (1st Trimester) – Then not below neck with Galvanic or Blend*

Recent Scar Tissue (in treatment area)

Rosacea [active] (in treatment area)

Skin Diseases/Disorders

Sunburn (in treatment area)

Pacemaker (with physician permission)

Metal plates/pins for galvanic & blend techniques – if on/near DC return ​path

Epilepsy (with physician permission)





Located at : 1327 Empire Central Drive

Dallas, Tx 75247

972-850-6133. (text is preferred)

By appointment Only